At Moynahan Law we handle a diverse range of cases throughout CT. Clients from all walks of life can depend on our assistance. No criminal case is too complex for us to defend.
Attorney Tim Moynahan is ready to stand by your side and fight for you during each step of your case, whether you are accused of driving while intoxicated or a violent crime. Not many lawyers offer the level of care that we do at Moynahan Law. Defending our clients' rights and future is our purpose. Whether you have been charged with a drug crime, a sex crime, or a murder/manslaughter charges, we are prepared to aggressively defend you.
Looking for a Connecticut Criminal Lawyer with the experience necessary to get you the outcome you deserve? The Moynahan Law Firm has extensive trial experience with both misdemeanor and felony criminal defense cases.
Looking for a Connecticut Criminal Lawyer with the experience necessary to get you the outcome you deserve? The Moynahan Law Firm has extensive trial experience in both State and Federal Courts and with both misdemeanor and felony criminal defense cases. Our lawyers protect your constitutional rights and act as zealous advocates on your behalf. Our attorneys work closely with forensic experts and private investigators to defend your case.
Pretrial release from custody, bail bonds, cash bail, and signature bonds
Domestic assault and battery, elderly abuse, harassment, restraining order violations, sexual assault, and stalking LEARN MORE
Operating under the influence (OUI), driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), vehicular homicide, and other alcohol-related driving offenses
Copyright violations, cyber stalking, fraud, hacking, identity theft, malicious code
Drug possession, manufacturing, cultivation, trafficking, cocaine, crack cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, steroids, heroin, ecstasy, and club drugs
Assault weapons, concealed weapons, felons in possession, illegal sales, unlawful sales, and unlawful discharge
Vehicular assault, homicide, drunk driving, manslaughter and reckless driving, evading responsibilty
Arson, robbery, homicide, murder and manslaughter LEARN MORE
Revocation proceedings and post-conviction motions
Racketeering, such as gambling, bribery, extortion, bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, securities fraud, prostitution, narcotics trafficking, loan sharking, and murder
Auto theft, burglary, fraud, credit card fraud, identity theft, forgery, receipt of stolen property, trafficking in stolen property, and worthless check charges
Bribery, fraud, extortion, forgery, identity theft, counterfeiting, embezzlement, larceny and money laundering, tax fraud, securities fraud, RICO violations.
Criminal charges of arson and/or reckless burning
Assault in First, Second, & Third degree, Protective & Restraining Orders
Bribery, fraud, extortion, forgery, identity theft, counterfeiting, embezzlement, larceny and money laundering, tax fraud, securities fraud, RICO violations.
After a loss at trial, an appeal will give you another chance at overturning the decision in your case.
Charges of offensive conduct that is threatening and/or alarming in nature.
Department of Children and Families (DCF) is charged with protecting the welfare and safety of all Connecticut children.
Misdemeanor or felony charges of vandalism.
Charges when you miss your court appearance for a criminal offense.
Sexual Assault Charges LEARN MORE
Charges of prostitution, escort, massage parlor,
If you are 17 or under and are accused of a crime
First and Second Degree violations, and domestic violence violations
Moynahan Law Firm represents persons accused of having committed crimes in throughout CT, including crimes of violence, drug offenses, theft or property, white-collar crimes (tax fraud, securities law violations, RICO, embezzlement), serious motor vehicle offenses and other violations of state or federal criminal law.
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